位于英格兰牛津市,约 1167 年建校,学院制大学;47 位诺奖得主,17 位国王,53 位各国首脑;校友有 霍金、王尔德、钱钟书、卡梅伦、克林顿等;英排名 TOP2,世界排名 TOP5 左右;没有专业不优势!教育、 神学、文学、政治、心理、物理、医学、法律等;
专业:MSc in Computer Science
Applicants are normally expected to be predicted or have achieved a first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours (or equivalent international qualifications), as a minimum, in a subject with a significant component of mathematics and/or computing. For applicants with a degree from the USA, the minimum GPA sought is 3.55 out of 4.0.
课程设置: The academic content of this course is as follows: Taught modules During the three terms of the course, you will choose from a group of modules on various aspects of computer science. Most modules will last for one term and will be between 16 to 24 lectures. In addition, all modules will have problem classes and some may also have practical sessions associated with them, and the mode of assessment shall be either written assignment or written examination. Dissertation In Trinity term you should undertake a dissertation of up to 30,000 words, completed independently under the guidance of an expert supervisor, on a topic of your choice and approved by the supervisor and MSc Course Director.